Gonzaga Mothers Club


Gonzaga’s culture of service is one of the many reasons we love sending our boys here.
Throughout the school year, the Gonzaga Mothers Club organizes lots of opportunities to contribute to the spirit of generosity that we feel each time we set foot on Eye Street.

Whether it’s through buying Christmas gifts for a family in need, serving dinner at the McKenna Center, or acting as a mentor to a family that’s new to Gonzaga, there are countless opportunities to help.

Below are descriptions of service opportunities organized by the GMC. Please click on each one to find out more about how you can get involved.

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  • Participate in Gonzaga’s Adopt-A-Family Program

    Every year around the holidays, Gonzaga’s Campus Ministry office and GMC volunteers organize the Adopt-A-Family program that connects a Gonzaga family with a family that’s in need in our community, helping fulfill that family’s Christmas wish list. Please look for more information in the monthly GMC Newsletter to sign-up and help.
  • Support Gonzaga’s Retreat and Service Programs

    Throughout the year, the GMC helps support Campus Ministry’s wonderful retreats and service programs by setting up, preparing, and serving food, providing snacks for chaperones, and more. 

    If you are interested in participating in the Freshman Retreat, please contact freshmanretreat@gonzagamothers.org

    To support the Kairos Retreats, please contact kairosretreats@gonzagamothers.org.

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  • McKenna Center

    Located in the basement of St. Aloysius Church, The McKenna Center provides food, counseling, and emergency assistance to those in need. From November 1 to March 31, the Center also provides overnight accommodations, a hot meal, and a supportive environment to approximately 20 men in its Hypothermia Program. The goal of the program is to provide structure, support, and skills to enable a man to successfully move forward with his life.

    The Gonzaga Mothers Club provides nightly dinners donated by volunteers who heat, serve, clean up, and eat with the center's guests. Sharing conversation and a meal with Gonzaga families is a key part of the program’s success and also a transformative experience for many families. Without the Mothers Club meals, the Hypothermia Program would not be available.

    The monthly GMC Newsletter provides more information on this program and the link to sign-up to donate and serve a meal. If you have any questions, please contact mckenna@gonzagamothers.org.
  • DC Diaper Bank

    Corinne Cannon, daughter of former Gonzaga English teacher Rick Cannon, founded the DC Diaper Bank as a way to provide families in need with a reliable and adequate source of basic baby needs and personal hygiene products. Every year, the GMC organizes a diaper drive to support the work of this wonderful organization.

    The monthly GMC Newsletter provides more information about this year's Diaper Drive. If you have any questions, please contact diaperdrive@gonzagamothers.org.
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