All members of the Gonzaga Community are cordially invited to the Performing Arts Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Saturday, February 1.
Honoring members of the Gonzaga community who have made a lasting impact on the performing arts, either while at Gonzaga or in their careers outside of the school, the Performing Arts Hall of Fame will welcome the following new inductees this year:
Andrew Broadway '96, Danny Costello '72, Andrew Deerin '95, Robert Egan '68, Ash Hawken '53, Matt Magielnicki '02 and The 2008 production of West Side Story
The induction ceremony will take place beginning with a reception at 3 PM in the Upper Commons followed by the ceremony at 4:30 PM in the Sheehy Theater.
Gonzaga clubs and teams hold bake sales in order to raise money for their groups. Bake sale are usually up and running by 7:30 am and continue until the end of the lunch periods. If you are contributing to a bake sale you do not need to send in homemade items, you can purchase your baked goods at any store.
If you have any questions about the bake sale please contact your team/club moderator or coach.
Faculty Treats is always highly anticipated by the hard-working Gonzaga faculty and staff! One morning each month, GMC volunteers prepare a delicious home-cooked breakfast for the faculty, staff, coaches, maintenance staff, Jesuit community, and administration to show our gratitude for all they do for our sons.
It’s always fun and volunteers are always needed. Please use the SignUpGenius to volunteer!!
To assist with breakfast, please arrive by 6:30am in the Lower Commons. Breakfast begins at 7:15 am. After serving the Gonzaga faculty and staff, GMC volunteers share breakfast and clean up --everything completed before 9:00 am!
Alumni Association meetings give Gonzaga alumni the chance to hear up-to-the-minute information about what's going on at Gonzaga, from club activities to sporting events, and all Alumni Association events. We begin with fellowship and dinner at 6:00 pm and at 6:30 pm the meeting is called to order. Meetings typically last an hour and a half depending upon attendance and agenda items to be discussed. The meetings are open to all alumni of Gonzaga.
Gonzaga clubs and teams hold bake sales in order to raise money for their groups. Bake sale are usually up and running by 7:30 am and continue until the end of the lunch periods. If you are contributing to a bake sale you do not need to send in homemade items, you can purchase your baked goods at any store.
If you have any questions about the bake sale please contact your team/club moderator or coach.
The Gonzaga Mothers Club is open to all mothers and guardians of Gonzaga students, and those friends and benefactors of the school who wish to participate in or contribute to the Mothers Club activities.
The GMC usually meet on the first or second Wednesday of the month in the Lower Commons. All are welcome! The social begins at 6:30 pm, and the meeting begins at 7:00 pm.
Join us in prayer as the GMC offers a Rosary together for the intentions of the Gonzaga community. If you have prayer intentions, please email them to and we will pray for them specifically during the 5th decade. February 14th at 12:00 pm will will pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary on Zoom.
Gonzaga clubs and teams hold bake sales in order to raise money for their groups. Bake sale are usually up and running by 7:30 am and continue until the end of the lunch periods. If you are contributing to a bake sale you do not need to send in homemade items, you can purchase your baked goods at any store.
If you have any questions about the bake sale please contact your team/club moderator or coach.
GFC Monthly Men for Others Gathering on Eye Street
The Fathers Club hosts monthly gatherings during the school year, during which we socialize and hear valuable insights from invited teachers, coaches, and administrators. Occasionally, we also hear from guest speakers on topics of interest to the community. We hope you can join us!
Gonzaga clubs and teams hold bake sales in order to raise money for their groups. Bake sale are usually up and running by 7:30 am and continue until the end of the lunch periods. If you are contributing to a bake sale you do not need to send in homemade items, you can purchase your baked goods at any store.
If you have any questions about the bake sale please contact your team/club moderator or coach.
The Onyx Alumni Association of Gonzaga College High School is a division of the Gonzaga Alumni Association which is dedicated to supporting and promoting diversity at Gonzaga College High School and within its community, seeks to broaden and strengthen the connections of Alumni. Those connection serve to support current, prospective and future minorities who are committed to successfully matriculating and graduating from Gonzaga.
Onyx Alumni Association meetings give Gonzaga minority alumni the chance to hear up-to-the-minute information about what's going on at Gonzaga, from school club activities to sporting events, and other activities occurring within the school. Meetings begin with fellowship and dinner at 6:00 pm and at 6:30 pm the meeting is called to order. Meetings are open to all alumni of Gonzaga.
All Freshmen and Guardians/Parents of Freshmen are invited to "Conversations that Count." This is an evening of education and small conversations about the prevention of teen substance use and good decision making.
The GMC will provide a light dinner beginning at 5:30pm in the Arrupe Commons.