Gonzaga Celebrates Black History Month
On Thursday, February 8, Gonzaga held its annual Black History Month Assembly, which this year centered around the theme, "Black History Matters." Hosted by the Onyx Club, the assembly included musical performances, poetry readings, reflections, and a student-produced video, as well as a keynote speech by Monsignor Raymond East, pastor of St. Teresa of Avila Parish in D.C.’s historic Anacostia neighborhood. Several members of Howard University’s Omega Psi Phi fraternity also spoke and performed.
A nationally known evangelist and preacher, Monsignor East talked about the history of Black Catholics in the United States and around the world, and had members of Onyx hold up photos and tell the stories of several Black Catholic saints. To learn more about Monsignor East,
click here to read an article about him in the
Catholic Standard.
After the assembly, Onyx club moms treated students to a Black History Month lunch in the cafeteria. We hope you enjoy these photos of a memorable day on Eye Street.
