New Home for Gonzaga's Alumni Hall of Fame
Visitors to Gonzaga's Dooley Hall will notice a new installation in the Pastrick Foyer, just across from the President's Office, as they walk in: A new, more prominent home for Gonzaga's Alumni Hall of Fame.
"Gonzaga has three notable Halls of Fame," says Father Lingan. "Most everyone knows about the Athletic Hall of Fame, located in the Carmody Foyer, and the Performing Arts Hall of Fame, in the lobby of the Sheehy Theater, but very few people are aware of what, in my view, is our preeminent Hall of Fame: the Alumni Hall of Fame."
As the new installation says, the Alumni Hall of Fame honors alumni for "outstanding achievement and the exemplification of a Gonzaga education in their lives." The honor is bestowed annually by the Gonzaga Alumni Association at the Father Son Communion Breakfast in the spring.
Previously, those who had received this honor were recognized on a plaque outside the Carmody Foyer. "This location, in the Pastrick Foyer, right at the entrance to Dooley Hall, gives it the prominence I believe it deserves," Father Lingan says.
The move was the first step in relocating other awards around campus, including moving the plaques for the various awards given out to students at graduation to the Headmaster's Hallway. "Our ultimate goal is to create a Hall of Honor -- a permanent home for all of these prestigious awards and a place where alumni and community members can find their loved ones' names and soak in some of the wonderful history of Gonzaga."
To nominate an alumnus for this honor, and to see a list of past awardees, please
click here.