Summer 2019 Service Trips: Camden and McKenna Center

Gonzaga's 2019 summer service trips kicked off during the week of June 3 to 7 with two trips: one to Camden, New Jersey and one right here at the Father McKenna Center.

Ten juniors traveled to the Oscar Romero Center, an urban, Catholic social justice education center located in the heart of East Camden, New Jersey. They spent time at several of the city’s social service agencies including the Camden Foodbank, a home for people with disabilities, and a local soup kitchen.

The McKenna Immersion Trip--the first of two this summer--gave 14 rising sophomores and juniors the opportunity to spend the week right here in the basement of St. Al's. In addition to working at the McKenna Center, they worked at and toured several other local agencies that fight homelessness and hunger in the District.

Here are some nice photos of the two trips:

Camden/McKenna I Immersion Trips
Celebrating 200 Years of Jesuit Education in the Nation's Capital