Jubilarian Reunion

We look forward to welcoming back the Class of 1975 for its 50th Reunion on the weekend of May 30th to June 1st.
It is a time-honored tradition at Gonzaga for the 50th Reunion "Jubilarian" Class to lead the procession of the graduates, faculty, and honored guests into St. Aloysius Church for the graduation ceremonies.

This year's Commencement will take place on Sunday, June 1. In addition, we have a full weekend of activities planned -- see the box on this page for more detailed information about the schedule of events. 

You can use the form below to register for the various weekend events. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Jennifer Doherty, Director of Special Events, at jdoherty@gonzaga.org

We look forward to a great weekend of celebration!

Reunion Details

Friday, May 30 
Class of 1975 Dinner
5:00 pm -- Meet in St. Al's for a welcome and tour
6:00 pm -- Cocktails in the Collins Courtyard (weather permitting) 
7:00 pm -- Dinner in the Upper Commons
Coat and tie/cocktail attire
Saturday, May 31
Class of 1975 Reception
More info to come!
Casual attire
Sunday, June 1
8:30 am -- Mass in Our Lady's Chapel
9:15 am -- Continental Breakfast in the Upper Commons
10:30 am -- Graduation
12:00 pm -- Class Photo
Navy blazer and Gonzaga tie (provided by Gonzaga)
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